Sunday, November 13, 2005

Using svn:
1. create a user account, such as svn. Do not use root account. Then login with that user accout.
2. svnadmin create an empty repository.
svnadmin create /rep_dir/project
3. start svn server.
svnserve -d -r /rep_dir, start the server as a daemon and restricted in /rep_dir.
4. edit config file to allow user to import or commit to repository.
edit /rep_dir/project/conf/svnserve.conf:
realm = xxx
then create a file called userfile under /rep_dir/project/conf/, edit it like this USERNAME=PASSOWRD:
4. import a file to our newly created repository.
svn import tpmnew svn://localhost/project -m "initial import" --username svn --password svn
tpmnew is the directory or file which you want to import to repository
5. checkout from repository and get a working a copy .
svn checkout svn://localhost/project
6. commit your changes in working copy,
svn commit tpmnew --username svn --password svn -m "made a modification"
7. show the modification you do in the working copy.
svn diff


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